2 Years
Receptive Language
Expressive Language
By 2 years of age, your child should have mastered the following sounds: /p, b, t, d, m, n, w, h/
Should be 50% intelligible to unknown listeners
Receptive Language
Can point to specific body parts
Recognizes names of familiar people and objects
Can follow simple instructions
Understands simple questions
Listens to simple songs, rhymes, and stories
Can point to a picture or an object when named
Can follow 2-3 step directions
Expressive Language
Says several words by 15-18 months
Begins to combine words
Uses simple 2-4 word phrases by 18-24 months
Repeats words from overhead conversations
By the time your child is two, they should have a vocabulary of 200 words
Can answer simple “what” and “where” questions
Asks simple questions such as, “where cookie?”