5 Years
By 5 years of age, your child should have mastered the following sounds: /p, b, t, d, m, n, w, h, f, k, g, ng, y, l, v, j, ch, sh/
Says all speech sounds and words; however, may make mistakes on sounds that are harder to say: /l, s, r, v, z, ch, sh, th/
Understands time sequences such as, “What happened first, second, or third?”
Understands rhyming
Understand that single words might have different meanings
Begins to understand non-literal meanings of words such as, “make up your mind”
Understands that new words can be formed by joining two words such as, “bookshelf”
Your child will start to understand that words don’t always need an “s” to become plural such as, “feet” and “mice” rather than “foots” and “mouses”
Uses future tense
Can state name and address
Tells stories that are longer
Recalls parts of a story
Speaks in sentences with more than 5 words
Keeps a conversation going
Talks in different ways depending on the listener or place for example, your child may use shorter sentences for younger children or may talk louder outside than inside
Uses sentences that have more than one action word such as, “jump,” “play,” and “get”
Names letters and numbers
Talks without repeating sounds or words most of the time
Responds to “What did you say?”